Thursday 1 January 2015

Tutions for toddler: a way to better future

    Today, education system has become so commercialized in schools that it has deteriorated the quality of education being given to students as well as that has ruined their ability to learn.  Here arises the need for additional home tuition or private tutoring. 

Parents do not feel satisfied with the process of education in the school so they prefer to hire private tutors or coaching centers for their children.   
           There are several advantages of private tuition's:
  •      The main benefit of tuition is that the tutors focus on you personally without any distractions from other students, which is not possible in schools as the number of students per class is high.
  •         Another reason is unlike teachers in school, tutors are performance oriented. They emphasis more on the performance of individual child rather than just rushing up with a lesson to complete the course before exams.
  •     Their main motive is to improve the performance of a student in the subject in which he/she lags.
  •      Since the tutor personally interacts with the student, personalized guidance and supervision is given to the student, unlike classrooms. This improves the performance as well as confident of the school.
  •     With the help of private tutors, parents also get to assess the performance of their child timely. They can directly approach the tutors to know about their child.
If your aim is to improve aptitude and knowledge and perform well in exams at school, I would suggest to hire personal tutors to accomplish your goal.  

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Helping your children to build a strong math foundation!!!

Among all the subjects your child studies in his school days, mathematics is the one that causes fear to the most. And the other fact concerned with math is that it is very important to build up a strong foundation for a child’s future.

Is your kid facing problem learning his subjects properly in the school? One of the reasons may be that he is lacking interest in mathematics. Math is an important subject to be learnt and it helps children to do well with the other subjects too.

Researches have proved that by learning math effectively, the toddlers become more smart and active. It enhances their thinking power and assists their mental growth. 

In all, a good math foundation is a must and you can significantly help your children in this. Have a look at the below mentioned tips:

Make them understand the value of numbers:
For making a strong base, it is your responsibility to make them realize the value of the numbers. Ranging from their preparatory classes to their higher classes, they need to play with these numbers. So, do not let them just cram 1, 2, 3... Rather teach them with live examples like one chocolate, two toffees and so forth, explaining them the difference between numbers.

Make math’s a practice:
The biggest problem which arises with mathematics is that it is not enough to teach a particular concept once, instead you need to repeat it several times. Generally, the math solutions are confusing and repeating them regularly makes a better understanding.

Make a predefined goal:
For attaining success, it is important to have a vision of what to achieve in life. Same goes for the math learning, whether it is learning of the multiplication tables in the beginning classes or solving out large algebra problems for higher competitive exams, defining success is must. Making the goal clear, lays the foundation to its achievement.

Make teaching in order:
Learning math highly requires being in order. For example, you cannot switch to the difficult trigonometry or calculus, without having the appropriate knowledge of Algebra. So starting with the basics, help you to make a better understanding for future. Making the children learn the topics in order enables them to thoroughly understand the concept.
In all, putting efforts as per the aforementioned tips help you to enhance their skills for solving math problems. It will surely help to form a good base, strong pillar for their future.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Help Your Child Learn Any Language Effectively

Most parents have a different kind of motivation, for their child to master a new language. The motivations might differ, but the goal is common to help a child acquire a new set of skills.
Read on to know what a parent can do in order to achieve this motive.
1. Get Involved
Ask the child about the daily lessons and ensure that communication with the teachers is on a good level. Ensure that the child practices what he has been taught new, in order to retain it.
2. Set a Good Routine
A child who studies by a fixed routine will be much more balanced and disciplined. Give the child time to practice the language and be with him when he tries to speak the new language. The meal time is also a good time to practice a new language.
3. Set a Good Example
Children learn by example. By just looking at his or her notebooks on a daily basis, a parent will be in control of his activities. The more a parent will communicate in the new language the more the child will be encouraged. Be a language model for the child.
4. Empower Him with the Right Tools

Select the right books, DVD’s and other study material for the child. This will boost the learning environment in the home. A great example is of getting a book that the child has already read in his native language, now in the new language.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Primary Education- A must have for your children!

A student learns the basic knowledge about all the relevant and necessary subjects of life during his primary education. It helps in forming a strong base for his growth; initiating with counting, word formation, comprehension and knowledge about general ethics.

At times, primary education is not considered so important by the parents. But it is highly required for you to understand that this elementary education fulfills the special needs of children in the first few years of their schooling life. It is the most important asset because with nature’s gift children are fast learners and whatever they learn in younger age remains with them forever. This basic knowledge makes all their dreams come true in future.

For the toddlers you can select the institution either public or private institutions, as per your need and budget. Moreover, for different education systems you will find different primary education plans. In some nations, this level begins in kindergarten and continues to five or seven grades, while in some it proceed to middle school or junior high school. But, the thing which is almost similar is the motive behind it.

The students are taught to think seriously, to make every effort to for the new challenges posed by technological advancements and to learn the basic values of life, during their primary education. And being a parent, you always want your children to have all these qualities. Thus, sending them to primary school is a good decision. Besides, primary education enables them to organize social relationships as their classroom becomes the first place where they learn to socialize with their peers, that too in your absence!

Thursday 25 September 2014

Education in Singapore is headed In The Right Direction

The slow and steady changes that are being brought about by the Ministry of Education have started bearing fruit now. The consistent efforts of the schools and the well planned courses have channeled the efforts in the right direction as evident by the results.

What is being done can be listed down in the following -
Program for International Student Assessment of Problem-Solving
The students of Singapore surprised one and all by standing first in this program. Almost 85,000 students had participated in the assessment. The students came from 44 territories and were asked to solve problems related to their daily life. Simple problems involving finding the shortest route possible were devised for the participants. The result only re-affirmed the MOE beliefs that the students of Singapore were fast learners, with good levels of curiosity and an ability to solve all problems, in all kinds of situations.
Breaking Popular Notions
The excellent results also forced people to re-think their opinion of students and forced them to give them another chance. The students obviously cannot be called mindless, or disinterested in something new anymore. If a survey was to be conducted of the young generation of Singapore, it will be found that they are highly creative and have loads of ideas that they want to interpret.
Need To Shift Focus from Academics
Creative ideas can be interpreted into aspirations, only when the children get some breathing space from the intensely focused academic structure. The new changes were trying to break away from the conventional mode of thinking and changing the parameters of success, in order to produce individuals with all round development.
Learn Form The Finnish System
Singapore is quick to take tips from the Finnish system of education, where stress is laid on development rather than solely performance. The problem with the students of Singapore was the lack of voicing their opinions, and the fear to stray from the path laid down. This was leading to high anxiety levels, which could be ruled out if the leanings from the Finish system were incorporated here. Staying quiet should not be mistaken for fear of being different.
The Key Lies in the Mindset

Expecting things to change overnight is being a little over ambitious. Once the mindset and definitions of success are altered, success will take on a totally different meaning for parents and students. And once the mindset changes, the opportunities and the level of success will rise automatically. However, results prove that Singapore is headed in the right direction. Slowly and steadily the change will come along. The reviews of the Applied Study in Polytechnics and the ITE are proof enough to show that very soon, Singapore will be at power with nations like Switzerland and Finland.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Learning music make your child smarter!!!

Although, there have been various searches related to music and students psychology earlier to this yet, Northwestern University this time has bring forth an amazing impact of learning music. Researchers have concluded that music education greatly influences the nervous systems of children and it is of great help in developing their reading skills.

For studying this amazing fact, a number of students were hooked to a neural probe. The whole procedure was organized to see how easily children distinguished similar speech sounds. There were two categories; the first group comprised of kids with two years of music education and the second had children with one year of lessons. Doing so, they differentiated the response of their brains to the music education. It was found that one year was not sufficient to have a perfect impact. The findings of this experiment were astounding. First of all, it’s a big mistake to take music education as a quick fix. It needs to be ongoing part of their education for having an intense and lifelong effect on their listening and learning skills.

Besides, researchers have also proved that music education facilitates learning other subjects. Making music includes much more than just voice and fingers playing an instrument. While learning music one need to tap into multiple skill sets, making best use of their ears, eyes and brain too. Another surprising fact is that the children having their music lessons regularly are on an average three IQ points higher than the others. It sharpens their senses, makes them efficient and raises their grades!

Thursday 4 September 2014

Singapore Awards Volunteers and Institutes with President's Award for the Environment

What exactly makes Singapore the global leader in technology, education, and environmental spotlessness? Certainly, it’s continuous and well-timed appreciation of those who contribute to these areas of work in any manner!

Living up to its standing once again, the nation has recently awarded two educational institutes and an individual with the esteemed President’s Award for the Environment. All the awards were recognized for contributing constantly and selflessly to the intactness of the environment.

The first awardee is Eugene Heng, the founder and chairman of Waterways Watch Society, an environmental group in Singapore. The 65 year-old has devoted as many as 16 years of his life to the good cause of observing and taking care of waterways in his country. With his dedicated volunteers, Mr. Heng is often busy identifying and removing litter in rivers and reservoirs. Undoubtedly, he well deserved the nation’s highest environmental accolade!

The other two awardees are the Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) and Institute of Technical Education (ITE). Both these educational institutes have been actively promoting environmental consciousness among their students. They have also included certain environment-related subjects and courses in their curricula.

On Tuesday, all the three awardees received a certificate and trophy at Istana from Tony Tan Keng Yam, the President of Singapore. The award recognizes individuals and groups for their input towards the environment.