Monday, 10 February 2014

IEEA Awards Initiated for Education Sector Stars

There’s no denying to the fact that the private players have played a great role in the education sector and in some cases, they have clearly done better than the state and national governments in India & Singapore.

Tuition centers in Singapore, for example, have helped revolutionize the education delivery mechanism in the entire country. New technologies have not only simplified the process of imparting knowledge and skills but the cost too has come down significantly.
Now, a group of professionals having both Singapore and India as common strings have come forward to initiate awards that recognize the contribution of private players to the education sector and to foster cooperation between the two countries.
Newly initiated awards titled IEEA (The Innovation & Excellency in Education) would be given out in March this year through BREG (Business Excellence & Research Group).
Private players who’re a part of the education eco-system and others who’ve been imparting education related services would be considered for these awards.
IEEA awards for this year are majorly dedicated to India because the education system in India right now holds the key to country’s performance in all other sectors.
How well these awards are received by education institutions and service providers in India & Singapore remains to be seen but such recognitions will for sure elevate the brand profiles of deserving education sector players including tuition centers in Singapore and India, innovators, and education service providers. 

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