Wednesday, 11 June 2014

5 Powerful Tools for Music Classroom

Introduction of music related programmes have helped Singapore to produce well rounded individuals since 1980. A school environment rich in cultural and art education not only equips students with musical talent, but also helps them to gain cognitive skills, confidence, and motivation or become more organized.  Be it piano, electric guitar or drums, everything can be mastered with the help of simulators.
Nowadays, there are numerous music tools available to address the diverse needs of students. 5 of them are described below:
1. Music Tech Teacher
This is a website especially designed for students who love to read, write and compose their own music. It also allows music students to publish their content online. Students around the globe can post their compositions on this site. Music Tech Teacher also provides music related web links, quizzes and resources to music teachers interested in integrating technology within their classroom.
2. Science of Music
This website explores the science of music with the help of organizing exhibits, movies and questions online. It encourages students to experiment their learning with innovative use of drums, loops and guitar.
3. Classics for Kids
This brings the classical music stories and great compositions in front of students. Students are allowed to compose music and share their creations online. The website’s unique content with practical and effective lesson plans can prove highly helpful for all music teachers.
4. Buzz machines
This is a free modular software based synthesizer designed to boost learner’s creativity by routing the music objects in a random fashion.
This interactive tool uses animated lessons to make students learn about the music notes, intervals and chords in a specific way. 

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