only counter argument that some groups give for technology in the class rooms
is that it might ruin a natural learning atmosphere. The use of technology
allows children to interact with other fellow students and educator’s sitting
in any corner of the world. It will eventually wipe out the use of paper from
our teaching methods and reduce the weights of school bags. All this will be
possible only when teachers and students stand committed towards adaptation of
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have a look at this issue in detail.
1. Openings For New
two groups of thinkers have different set of arguments for and against the
introduction of technology in classrooms. Some think that conventional methods
of teaching should not be changed. Others believe that technology can open a
large number of doors for learning. Some believe that technology causes
distractions and break in the momentum of learning. Some children might get
distracted by technology but in the long run it opens avenues for constructive
and meaningful methods of learning. A common example is a laptop that offers
better control and a huge amount of flexibility in comparison to a smart phone
or tablet.
2. Technology is more Commonly
today are commonly using tablets, laptops and smart phones. So why should
children be denied to move in step with the rest of the population? Schools
should strive to make their children ready for the world. Asking them to switch
to an old fashioned style of learning for eight hours and then back to a modern
living scenario when out of school, is not being fair. School should wake up
and face the facts and train their teachers in proper use of technology.
3. Opportunity For
can access any information under the sky with the use of technology. In school
they should not just hear about it, instead get a chance to explore endless
options. Gone are the days when children heard about things from their
teachers. They can now interact with other students and teachers in different
parts of the world. Utilities like Skype and other programs have made
classrooms into world learning centers. They can talk to teachers and other
learners and find out about their nations and their qualities firsthand.
Technology also helps teachers to become global teachers by interacting with an
educator sitting anywhere on the globe. They can together strive to make
teaching more meaningful and productive for all students combined.
4. Ground Realities
schools have switched over to the new technology but their staff is lagging
behind. Unless and until the staff is not trained and comfortable in using
these devices the whole purpose will be lost halfway. Teachers need to put
books and assignments online to reduce the weight in a student’s backpack. Only
when the teachers will commit to learning the new technology, will this change
towards the betterment be possible.
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